Vegan White Chili



  1. a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used chopped (and often dried) in sauces, relishes, and spice powders. There are various forms with pods of differing size, color, and strength of flavor, such as cascabels and jalapeños.


“Baby its chili outside”

- almost Dean Martin




2 cloves Minced Ginger

1/2 Onion

1 Red Pepper

1 Yellow Pepper

1/2 Jalapeno

1 Cup Salsa Verde (See Halibut Recipe)

1 Can Garbanzo Beans

1 Can White Beans

1 Can Kidney Beans

1 Can Coconut Milk

2 Cups Vegetable Broth

3tbsp Cumin

2tbsp Chili

1tbsp Smoked Paprika (optional)

1tbsp Paprika

Salt and Pepper

2tsp Dried Oregano

Serve with:

Silken Tofu


Chili Flakes




I am incredibly into the idea of being Vegan. So many of my recipes lean that way and I’m not mad about it. This chili has the right amount of thickness from the beans and the perfect amount of spice too. It would have been perfect with some cornbread, but my grocery store ADHD had other plans and I forgot. Luckily, some fresh bread is all you need to scoop every last drop.

Throw everything in the pot. That’s all.

Just kidding… sort of.

Start by dicing your onion and de-seeding and dicing your Red, Yellow and Jalapeño Peppers. Sauté in the pot with garlic on medium heat until the onion is translucent and the smell of garlic has permeated your skin.

Pour in the coconut milk and vegetable broth, turn heat to low. If you haven’t made my salsa verde yet, go do it and use the leftovers here. Or you can buy canned salsa verde, but what fun would that be? Toss in all of your beans. Feel free to change up your beans if you’re so inclined. Black beans would have been great here too. The only must are the Garbanzos.

Get Spicy with it. Cumin and Chili in hefty amounts are your friend here. So is smoked paprika, I loved the smoky depth it added to this dish since there’s no meat to add that sort of flavor.

Silken tofu replaces sour cream and yogurt, and I am obsessed with it. If you’re a cheese person, Cotija or a Shredded Pepper Jack would be absolute fire. Sprinkle on Cilantro, Chili Flakes and some Jalapeño slices and a lime wedge. Serve with bread and eat up.