Halibut with Coconut Rice and Salsa Verde



  1. a northern marine fish which is the largest of the flatfishes and important as a food fish.


“Huge Salsa Verde Fan.”




8 Tomatillos

2 cloves garlic

1/2 White Onion

1 Cup micro cilantro

1 Lime

1 Jalapeno

1 tsp White Pepper

1 Cup White Rice

1 Cup Coconut Milk

1 Cup Water

2 Tablespoon Sugar

Salt to taste

Sea Bass

Cracked Pepper

Sea Salt

Garlic Powder


Let’s broil some tomatillos! Now, I’ll admit, I’m afraid of ovens… I also am afraid of knives, but that’s a phobia for another day. Ovens don’t scare me in an “I’m going to die way”, but first of all “Am I going to burn myself?” and second “Am I going to char everything when I forget about?” At one point or another, the answer to both of those have been yes, and thus, my fear.

Preheat your oven to broil and start by taking off the husks around the tomatillos and give them a good rinse. Slice in half and line a baking sheet with the halves facing down. Bake for about 6 minutes and turn the tray around for another 6 minutes, theyll turn a light green color and begin to char on top. Take them out and give them a minute to cool off. They should be mushy and perfect.


My food processor is my new best friend. How I waited so long to get one is beyond me. I toss in the tomatillos, garlic, micro cilantro and jalapeno. I use one Jalapeno, seeds and all, which personally I feel is the right amount of heat. Give it a squeeze of lime, a dash of pepper salt and garlic powder. Dip a few chips for a “taste test”.

I usually make this salsa verde early and toss it in the fridge to chill. The rice takes 20 minutes or so. I prefer mine as an almost risotto consistency. I added water by the half cup so it didn’t dry out. It may be time for a rice maker.

I coat my halibut in Pepper, Sea Salt, Garlic Powder and Parprika. Saute it about 6 minutes on each side. It should be flaky and moist throughout.

Put the halibut atop the coconut rice, and add a dollop of Salsa verde. Sprinkle a few sprigs of cilantro and inhale!